Saturday, August 31, 2019

Antiretroviral Therapy Essay

There is no other field of medicine that has been through such dramatic developments as that of antiretroviral therapy. In September 1995, the results of Eurpean-Australian DELTA study, and the American ACTG pointed out that two nucleoside analogues were more effective than monotherapy. This led to the belief, thatlonger survival was possible in HIV. Protease inhibitors (PIs) came about in 1995, and in June 1996, the first non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) neviparine arrived, and so did Nelfinavir which was a new PIs. This led to the start of HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy). Antiretroviral drugs have been divided into a number of groups on the basis of the phase of the retrovirus life-cycle that the drug inhibits. 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nucleoside & nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) inhibit reverse transcription by incorporating   into the newly synthesized viral DNA and slowing its elongation. Apricitabine (AVX-754) is a heterocyclic cytidine analog, which may enter the market in 2009. Elvucitabine   is currently in phase II trials. Stampidine is 100 times more potent than AZT and has potential role against HIV mutants 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (nNRTI) inhibit reverse transcriptase directly by binding to the enzyme and not allowing its function. Efavirenz has been the agent that has been most successful, but is facing lot of viral resistance. Rilpivarine has a long half life of 40 hours. 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Protease inhibitors (PIs) target viral architecture by inhibiting the activity of protease, an enzyme used by the virus to form new virons from the older protein framework. PL-100 is given as a prodrug and is active against multi PIs resistant strains. It has a long half life of 37 hours, and can act as a co-drug. 4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Integrase inhibitors inhibit the enzyme integrase, (integrates   viral DNA into   DNA of the infected cell). Raltegravir became the first to receive FDA approval in October 2007. it is   the most exciting of all anti HIV agents in the market. It acts against HIV-2 also. Elvitegasir has a potential as monotherapy. 5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Entry inhibitors (or fusion inhibitors) prevent the   binding, fusion and entry of HIV-1 virus into the host cell. It acts via the gp 120 envelope protein to the CD 4 receptor. Maraviroc and enfuvirtide are marketed agents of this group. 6  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maturation inhibitors- inhibit the last step in gag processing in which the viral capsid polyprotein is cleaved, thereby blocking the conversion of the polyprotein into the mature capsid protein (p24). These virons are thus incomplete and thus uninfective.   Two drugs in this group   are under investigation, bevirimat,`and Viveconâ„ ¢. Immunotherapy. IL-2 is a cytokine from the activated T – cells, which induces proliferation in T, B, and NK cells. It causes an increase in CD 4 and CD 8 cells. It is useful in patients with poor immunological response to antiretroviral therapy to stimulate the immune system. G-CSF, GM CSF are used for treatment of prolonged neutropenia in patients with advanced HIV infection to reduce bacterial infection. Why is treatment of HIV difficult ? The retrovirus has an extremely short life span, as short as 1 ½days. In addition the protective enzymes which prevent mutation in RNA to DNA conversion via reverse transcriptase in absent in the virus. Thus the virus mutates very rapidly, and produces many genotypes, some of which escape the cytotoxic effect of the antiretroviral drugs and proliferate. When the antiretrovirals are combined, the number of genotypically active virons is low, and so combinations are a must, as no single agent has been shown to suppress virus for long. Fixed dose combinations A major change in the therapy today has been the advent of fixed doses combinations. Earlier patients had to take larger number of tablets per day, but now combinations of these complex regimens are available in single tablets, which increases the compliance of patients, thus reducing chances of treatment failure. Current treatment guidelines for HAART The status of ‘hit hard, hit early’ approach which was recomneded earlier has now changed. Some clinicians use the 350 and 500 CD4+ T cells/mm ³ levels to initiate treatment, but this needs individualization. Today it is recommended that HIV patients should start ART after confirmation of the HIV disease and the presence of Clinically advanced HIV disease – WHO Stage IV HIV disease, irrespective of the CD4 cell count; WHO Stage III disease with consideration of using CD4 cell counts less than 350/ µl to assist decision making; WHO Stage I or II HIV disease with CD4 cell counts less than 200/ µl. the guidelines for adults and adolescents for the USA are set by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). In this all patients with history of an AIDS-defining illness or severe symptoms of HIV infection regardless of CD4+ T cell count receive ART. Antiretroviral therapy is also recommended for asymptomatic patients with less than 200 CD4+ T cells/ µl. Asymptomatic patients with CD4+ T cell counts of 201–350 cells/ µl should be offered treatment. For asymptomatic patients with CD4+ T cell of greater than 350 cells/ µl and plasma HIV RNA greater than 100,000 copies/ml, most experienced clinicians defer therapy but some clinicians may consider initiating treatment. Therapy should be deferred for patients with CD4+ T cell counts of greater than 350 cells/ µl and plasma HIV RNA less than 100,000 copies/mL. Treatment regimes Important aspects are that the first regimen offers the best chance to the patient, meaning that the viral load must be below detectable level within 3-6 months of treatment initiation. The combination used initially consist of two nucleoside analogs plus a PI or either a NNRTI. A regimen containing an NNRTI is often the regimen of choice for initial antiretroviral treatment when adherence is expected to be good because of convenience, superior virological suppression, lower rates of toxic effects, and fewer interactions between drugs than with boosted protease inhibitor regimens Thus various acceptable regimens are (Wikipedia) two NRTI’S + One NNRTI two NRTI’s + PI. For initial regimens that include a protease inhibitor, those that are ritonavir boosted are recommended because of the improvement in protease inhibitor pharmacokinetics and potency Threre NRTI ( referred to as triple nukes) once daily combinations – like emtriva. This regimen needs strict compliance, as if one dose is forgotten, then that days therapy is lost The preferred initial regimens are (Department of Health and Human Services) 1  Ã‚  Ã‚   efavirenz + zidovudine + lamivudine 2  Ã‚  Ã‚   efavirenz + tenofovir + emtricitabine 3  Ã‚  Ã‚   lopinavir boosted with ritonavir + zidovudine + lamivudine 4  Ã‚  Ã‚   lopinavir boosted with ritonavir + tenofovir + emtricitabine Referance Cahn P, Cassetti I Wood R etal. Efficacy and tolerability of 10 day monotherapy with apricitabine in antiretroviral naà ¯ve, HIV infected patients. AIDS 2006, 20:1262-8. Department of Health and Human Services (August, 2006). HIV and Its Treatment: What You Should Know. Accessed on 31 mar, 2008 United States Department of Health and Human Services (2004). A Guide to Primary Care for People With HIV/AIDS, 2004 Edition Antiretroviral drug – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – HAART, HIV Treatment HIV Medicine 2007, 15th edition. Hoffman C, Rockstroh JK, Kamps BS. Flying Publishers. HIV Therapy: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Employment and Human Resource Management

While this may be true to an extent, I do believe that the opposite Is also true, attractive people are over-looked due to their outward appearance and are taken less seriously even when qualified or more qualified than another candidate. This Is not to mention that life brings challenges, hurts, and UN- pleasantries, regardless of how a person looks. So we cannot be too quick to say that beautiful people have better lives. In this case though, the Issue is beauteous as a â€Å"free-pass† in a sense, or a way into a job position without the proper qualifications (or in spite of the proper qualifications).There has been some evidence that people who hire for Job openings do give preference at times to people who are obviously physically attractive. Researchers have noted that â€Å"beautiful people† tend to charm interviewers with their looks and create a positive tone and impression based solely off of how they look. Assess the Chair's behavior from a human resource man agement perspective. I feel that if people try to regulate every detail of a hiring process, Including the way people look, there will be even more discrimination.When an exceptionally beautiful or attractive candidate Is Interviewed, managers may feel pressure not to hire them Just so there are no Lies or tension In the workplace as to why that person was hired. In this case, though, it is not even evident that the Chair made an incorrect decision. Other department members should allow the Chair to do their job and trust that they have the proper qualifications to interview and choose quality candidates. There are times when candidates are chosen without having all of the qualifications of another candidate.There are job openings available that specify that a certain degree is referred but not required. The Chair was said to have â€Å"overlooked† a more qualified candidate, but that does not negate the fact that this interviewee may have also been qualified. A lot of times a degree or certain qualification sets are not the only thing being considered. A person who shows that they are able and willing to complete a job with a great attitude may win Job offers faster than a very-highly qualified person who may be lacking In other areas. Decision.The hiring committee should do their best to work as a team and keep down conflict within the workplace. The Chair made a hiring decision and that decision should be upheld. Employees may feel that the Chair is easily swayed and become more involved in the hiring process than they are even supposed to be. What happens when someone is interviewed that a worker Just doesn't like from their outward appearance? Going to the chair to try to get hiring decision overturned should not be a route taken too often by employees. I feel that there is already enough â€Å"looks-discrimination† in the workplace.When a person enters a room to be interviewed they are being Judged not only their answers UT also how they lo ok. Research shows that 74% of interviewers make hiring decisions within the first minutes of an interview. They Judge looks by the person's appearance, voice tone, handshake, and body-language. These are all surface characteristics†¦ There is enough Judgment in interviews, applicants should not have to be subjected to on-looking, non-involved employees' Judgments as well. Discuss to what degree and why attractive candidates may be given unfair consideration during hiring processes.This question makes me wonder, honestly, if people would feel better if attractive omen or men were interviewed through a wall or only via telephone. People come in all sizes and shapes, with different features and looks. Attractive people cannot help how they look and are often not even thinking about their looks when working or at an interview. Believe it or not, a lot of times attractive people would like a little less attention based off looks when it is time to be professional. More often than n ot, other people are more hooked on the candidates looks than the candidate themselves are.

Environmental Hero: Von Hernandez Essay

What do you do for the Earth? An environmental hero is someone who aims to take good care of his environment and makes a great impression for the benefit of its generation and the generations to come. Heroism comes from someone who is ordinary, but actually does something more than someone who is capable. It is a deed that is selfless that seeks to involve themselves with others’ problems. Anyone could actually be an environmental hero as long as they have the desire to learn how to align their goals in order to help protect and prevent further damages to the environment caused by mankind, despite the circumstances. Moreover, an environmental hero is someone who goes out of his or her way to fight for what is right, no matter what the odds are. They are the ones who continue to empower others by advocating the issues faced, helping people around them to be aware of their concerns. Von Hernandez, current director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia and recipient of the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in 2003, was recognized for his achievements in combating the environmental problems of the Philippines. He has been active in fighting for environmental rights since 1995 when he started working with Greenpeace International as coordinator for the environmental group’s toxics campaign in Asia. In the same year, Hernandez launched a campaign which revealed plans to set up waste incinerators to deal with the garbage problem coming from the rapidly growing cities in Metro Manila. In this campaign, the economic loopholes aside from the environmental and health hazards from the process of incineration were exposed. As a result of this fight against the burning of waste, in 1999, Hernandez helped make history as the Philippines became the first country in the world to ban waste incineration nationwide. He is responsible for the Philippines Clean Air Act of 1999 which is banning waste incinerators that causes air pollution and human health problems. Furthermore, he is also responsible for Waste Management Act which requires the implementation of segregating garbage properly nationwide. Waste disposal is a burgeoning problem in the Philippines especially in Metro Manila. EcoWaste cited from the National Solid Waste Management Commission that out of the 35,000 tons of waste the Philippines produces each day; 8,400 tons come from Metro Manila, accounting for one-fourth of the country’s daily output of solid waste. Currently, only nine have a solid waste management plan out of the 17 cities in Metro Manila and only about a third of the biodegradable wastes from the nine cities are being recycled into compost due to space constraints. The continuing and growing problem regarding waste in Metro Manila led to the government’s attempt to adopt the incineration process in 1995, but fortunately, Hernandez along with his allies in the environmental movement made efforts to stop the plan. Hernandez and company disseminated to the local communities the hazardous effects that waste incinerators will bring, which include the largest source of hormone-disrupting dioxins, one of the most toxic chemicals known to science. Additionally, the burning of waste also brings ash contained with heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic and cadmium that could pollute groundwater for generations. Studies also show that these chemicals are linked to human health problems such as birth defects, cancer, respiratory ailments and reproductive dysfunction among people who live near incineration plants. In support to this, a recent report reveals that dioxins in the breast milk of Filipino women who resides near and work in the Payatas dumpsite to be extremely high as compared to the normal limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO). In his fight against incineration, Hernandez helped the issue to be brought into the national electoral issue in 1998. He helped in organizing mass protests, testified in hearings, arranged numerous lectures and a national public education campaign in the media to increase awareness of the public regarding the devastating health impacts of waste incineration and to bring to light other proven alternatives to burning waste. Hernandez gained widespread support for the campaign, including the support of the Catholic Church. Due to his ceaseless activism, he was continually attacked in the press by incineration industry lobbyists and government officials who supported incineration in order to protect their interests. However, despite the attacks and the immense support of international financial institutions like the Asian Development bank, the World Bank and the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation to continue to promote incineration projects in the Philippines, Hernandez remains standing still because of his love for the environment. Aside from his fight to ban incineration, he also leads in promoting clean and green alternatives to waste incineration such as composting and recycling. Hernandez is also involved in various environmental initiatives and coalitions both at the national and international levels including the Global Anti-Incineration Alliance (GAIA), Waste Not Asia, Lakbay Kalikasan, the Ecowaste Coalition, the Sagip Pasig Movement, and the People’s Task Force for Bases Clean-up. Von Hernandez is, indeed, a hero that people should look up to. He changed the perspective of society in order to live in greener atmosphere. Because of him, laws were implemented that aims to promote a healthier place for people. By speaking his mind, he saved thousands of lives from the exposure of harmful chemicals. Even though he has received threats from the opposing parties, he continues to do what he thinks is right. He is concerned for issues usually unnoticed by the public. Truly, his strong character deserves to be applauded and recognized as a model for the green revolutionary era. References: EcoWaste statement on garbage along Roxas Blvd. in wake of Typhoon Gener | Community Bulletin Board | GMA News Online | The Go-To Site for Filipinos Everywhere. (2012, August 2). – Online home of the Kapuso Network. Retrieved September 25, 2012, from Goldman Prize. (n.d.). Goldman Prize For Excellence in Protecting the Environment. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from Mariano, Dan.(2007, Oct 26).Filipino Environment Hero. The Manila Times, A4.,18851050

Thursday, August 29, 2019

2101W Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

2101W Assignment 2 - Essay Example The medieval age of the Germany was significantly influenced by two different principles, individualism and universalism (Leyser 30-256). The then economic reforms and political regimes had also played vital roles in the development of the modern German society. Notably, it was during the years 1046 to 1057 that Germany witnessed the rise of one after another revolutionary popes including Pope Clement II, Pope Dumasus II, Pope Leo IX, Pope Victor II and Pope Stephen IX (Jeep 500). During the medieval age of Germany, struggles became apparently identifiable between the then established German Empire and the reforming Catholic Churches who wished to strengthen their control on the political and economic structures of the nation. It was during in 1024 that Duke Conrad II, the first of the Salian dynasty was crowned as the king of the Germans. Historical testaments affirm that during the sovereignty of Conrad II’s son Henry III (1039 to 1056), the empire fully supported the Cluniac reforms, which continued from 910. Another vital change was observed in the political structure of Germany during this period, which had drastic effects on the economic growth of the nation in the later period of the 14th and the 15th centuries. Before 1056, i.e. before the reign of Henry IV, German churches, representing the papal authority was dominated by the emperors in the nation. However, with the advent of Cluniac reforms, monasteries were being reformed, where monastic h ouses were being transferred under the direct leadership of papacy from being placed under the feudal control. The conflict taking place between the Popes and German states further gave rise to the Investiture Controversy which lasted till 1122. This ultimately increased the complexities in the legal environment of Germany, which further augmented the discrepancies within trade relations of German empires and also with international market, as traders now had

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Community Assessment - Prevention of Hypertensino in adult population Essay

Community Assessment - Prevention of Hypertensino in adult population - Essay Example The measurement of blood pressure is a complex topic, and there is also no exact differentiation between individuals ‘at risk’ from blood pressure-associated morbidity and mortality, and rest of the population. Adequate treatment of High Blood Pressure (HBP) with strict adherence to regimen, better prescribing and compliance, and regular follow-up is expected to reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular episodes. However, literature reviews suggest that healthcare outcomes and patient compliance are not up to the expected level due to several barriers to the successful diagnosis, treatment, and control of hypertension encountered by healthcare providers and lack of compliance by patients with hypertension. Research findings also suggest that there is disagreement among physicians regarding definitions of hypertension, and confusion over medications for BP control. As such, it is essential to maintain uniformity in research standards and clinical approaches to improve the quality of care for controlling patient’s blood pressure and introduce nurse-led blood pressure management initiative, to attain the goals of Healthy People as envisaged. Hypertension is prevalent in â€Å"28% of the US population and 35% of the African American population. However, only 1 in 4 patients with hypertension are controlled to a blood pressure of less than 140/90 mm Hg.† (Wright et al, 2002, p.1636-1643). Cross-sectional analysis of national representative data by Wang & Wang (2004), conforming to new classification of blood pressure levels by Joint National Committee (JNC) on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure report (JNC 7 Report published in 2003), found that â€Å"elevated blood pressure is a serious problem in the United States. Approximately 60% of American adults have pre-hypertension or hypertension, and some population groups, such as African Americans, older people, low-socioeconomic-status groups, and overweight

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Foreign Policy Decision-making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Foreign Policy Decision-making Process - Essay Example Mr. Lerman deputy of the National Security Council made the announcements. The decision was on political agenda for improving ties between Israel and Turkey and among all members of NATO at large. The person involved, are officials from NATO, Turkey and Israel and Turkey, Israel countries (Newsom 15). On the other hand, OPEC news recognizes the survival of Israel which celebrates its birthday annually on 25-26 of April despite facing a lot of criticism from members of the United Nations and in particular from Iran. This announcement was by a person who recognized the rejection the nation had been through though the Arabs considered this as irony. Making the decision to recognize Israel had been its ability to prove survival in tough times which leads to its recognition as a perfect destination for people due to its friendly environment even on pressure. The decision was on national agenda which aims to promote the positive aspect to enhance Israel recognition by UN members. The nations involved are USA, Palestine with Arabian people. Part two The first opium war took place from 1839 to 1842 and it was between the Great Britain and China. Treaty making before the governments of China and GB began in 1842 after the British defeated the Chinese at the first opium war that led to the signing of the treaty of Nanking. Chinese negotiated treaties using the thirteen hongs before 1839. Country merchants were the middlemen used by the Chinese government to communicate with the British officials in any issue between the two governments. BEIC exploitation angered in George 11 who decided to go against the will of his father. The Chinese meaning of "Yi" was mainly expressed as family name coming first and personal name coming second and this was a believe that origin owes the greatest respect compared to personal status though in British interpretation of the word "Yi" was different. It meant that; personal name is more significant than family name (Newsom 22) The diplomatic place of Lord Napier has been significant to the Chinese an d mostly, lord Napier William who his renowned for initiating a war in China after failing in his mission that involved making settlement with China which for expanding the British deals to interior China. Lord Napier William is a person who fought for his country interest involving expansion of British east India company in China till his death thus he is a nationalist. Most of the countries that would have faced with a situation like of china would have reacted no differently as from the Chinese due to nationalism to protect their resources under all costs. These people were known as nationalists for the role they played during the opium war; Lin Zexu, Charles Elliot, William Ewart. The word â€Å"Yimu" means a barbarian eye while in Chinese the same word meant foreign principal. Lord Napier reacted to the Chinese repository by circulating leaflets in Chinese language to all Chinese in canton announcing about the British superiority that later led to a fight between British and C hinese officials though the British lost in 1834. This use of words like great is powerful and showed the power of British monarch and strength to conquer all nations. It sounded like a threat to Chinese after it denied the British settlements (Newsom 32). Bocca Tigris; was a tactical situation as a nautical gateway to Guangzhou were several important first

Monday, August 26, 2019

My scheme of my school at full time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My scheme of my school at full time - Essay Example Normally, there is merely moderate to seldom regard for the impact which drastic technological changes create on the environment and overall welfare of men. On this ground, human nature serves as the evil root or mother of man-made creations. By examining in depth and detail how man’s inventions have fared insofar as the past and some current events are concerned, it would quite fall under keen investigation that the evil of greed, pride, envy, discontent, and their other similar natures, has greatly caused hostile wars as in the World War I and II. Apparently, while nuclear inventions exhibit the height of man’s intelligence and potentials, it is inevitable to realize that due to the evil of greed in acquiring more territories, men are further disposed to make tools of destruction in order to expand the scope of corrupt power. Similarly, the wicked side of technological innovations may be observed to have brought about strife in the criminal act of theft and robbery via online systems in particular whenever one party harbours envy over someone else’s market that this leads to stealing of identity. In addition, people tend to be too proud and conceited with their possession of gadgets that they becom e neglectful of the essence of humility generous sharing with

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Broke back Mountain and Titanic Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Broke back Mountain and Titanic - Movie Review Example "A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But you know there was a man named Jack Dawson, and that he saved me in every way that a person can be saved. I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory." Being one of the highest grossing romantic dramas of all time both movies sparked a lot of controversy yet people took the time to watch them at least out of curiosity for the way they were marketed. For Broke back Mountain the media critics could not agree whether its lead characters were actually Gay bisexual, heterosexual,because the movie was marketed as a "Gay Cowboy Movie.The movie involves the love affair between two cowboys who meet one summer on the same job at Brokeback Mountain and slowly their companionship turns into a sexual and emotional romantic saga .Like all great love stories the protagonists are separated by changing circumstances.However this separation is not as dramatic as Titanic which hinges on a tragedy.Titanic and Brokeback mountain have been rumoured to have similar posters,i.e. in the positive of "star crossed" lovers.However Brokeback mountain was a comparatively low budget movie and spoke of the reality.It was the silent sigh of many bisexual/Gay persons in the 1960's or even later who had not yet earned the social or legal freedom to live together as partners and the movie shows how they try to make their love survive by hiding it from social norm s.Titanic was the story of two heterosexual lovers whose love blossoms in secret during their voyage on Titanic.They face a lot of social opposition and ultimately when disaster strikes the hero dies a tragic death leaving the heroine in shock as she decides that her "heart will go on"(the theme of the popular Celine Dion song).Both movies contain powerful symbols of love.In Titanic's case it is the necklace "Heart of the Ocean" and the nude picture of Kate Winslet which Leonardo De Caprio sketches as a symbol of his love.In Brokeback Mountain it is the bloodied shirts of both lovers which have been tainted after their lovers spat which ends up in them both getting injured badly.Heath discovers their existence in the end after the heart rending death of Jake Gyllenhal ,when he goes to meet his parents. Both these movies are great as they show that love knows no boundaries of race or gender , but sometimes cannot survive societal disapproval.Both are portrayals of tragedies in a time when people were judged by their wealth and social status.Gay couples were unheard of and people rarely married out of their economic classes.The characters in these movies brave all these circumstances and still lose their soul mates to fate.Both movies leave the audience very emotionally charged and thoughtful. References 1. 2. "Titanic voted 'best' film ending", BBC News, 2003-10-15. Retrieved on 2007-06-15. 3. "Titanic sinks in worst film poll", BBC News, 2003-11-05. Retrieved on 20

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Is China a 'rule maker' or a 'rule taker' in the international system Essay

Is China a 'rule maker' or a 'rule taker' in the international system - Essay Example Such a multi-stakeholder system is classified by an increasingly liberal multilateral order and increasingly flexible attitude toward the sovereignty of the state. The perception that China has served as a rule-taker for a long time but is now undergoing a radical transformation to become a rule-maker that is making new game rules in favor of its national interests, is commonly help by both realists and neoliberals. â€Å"A more powerful China, the thinking goes, is likely to promote a statist and more hierarchical brand of international governance that is inconsistent with the open, multilateral governance architecture that has emerged and developed since the end of World War II under American and European guidance† (Kennedy and Cheng, 2012, p. 9). Transformation in China’s foreign policy since the mid-20th century In the Mao Era between 1949 and 1978, there was a fundamental opposition of China to the global architecture that was derided as the capitalist West’ s puppet. However, since the early 1980s, integration of China into the different regimes of the international system improved rapidly. ... enge the traditional regimes, though as soon as China gets in a more powerful position, it would inevitably reshape the international institutions and norms to suit its own preferences. Therefore, the engagement and compliance presently shown by China toward the international order cannot be thought of as long-lasting. â€Å"Since the 1990s China sought to improve relations with as many of its neighbors as possible, including settling leftover border disputes with the former Soviet Union† (Lanteigne, 2013, p. 3). The longevity of China’s global engagement There is a lot of subjectivity about goals and course in the recent foreign policy of China (Sutter, 2012, p. 3). The global engagement of China is not as temporal as it is perceived to be by some, and there are numerous reasons for that; firstly, in spite of the fact that the current international system was not invented by China, it is consistent with the interests of China in different ways. China has increased its military and economic power substantially within the current order’s context. Secondly, people and institutions that have more political and economic strength in China have taken advantage of the engagement of China in the present international system. China would continue favoring the status quo till the time these institutions are in power in China and the ruling elite favors them. Thirdly, over the passage of time, China has become so deeply grounded in the international order that outright opposition or disengagement is very difficult to achieve. A lot of Chinese companies have started to integrate into the networks of production on a global scale, and depend upon growing such linkages in order to survive and expand. The government of China has made a formal pledge to comply with numerous treaties

Friday, August 23, 2019

ADHD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ADHD - Essay Example Conservative estimates indicate that AD/HD affects between three to seven percent of school age children, and between two to five percent of adults† (Freer, 2004). This is how one author defines the disorder and its prevalence; although there has been a more recent interest in adult ADD and AD/HD, the disorder is primarily associated in the media and in most existing articles with children and adolescents. This means that the disorder is also aligned with the educational system in this country. At the same time, there has been a federal concentration on outlining programs that are relatively sensitive and malleable and do not reflect federalization in dealing with the problems brought up by special situations of AD/HD. In terms of the symptoms that they show, generally the individual with AD/HD, â€Å"Fails to pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork†¦ has difficulty sustaining attention, does not seem to listen when spoken to, does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish, has difficulty organizing tasks†¦ avoids or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort, loses things†¦ easily distracted†¦ forgetful† (Dreher, 1998). These symptoms could be seen as simply shortcomings in attention span or irresponsibility, so in many cases the student or child is blamed for their condition, when it is really the brain chemistry that deserves the blame, not the individual. This is why teachers and parents need to give children with AD/HD more tools to overcome the symptoms: they often have trouble writing neatly, so teachers could advocate early use of word processors. â€Å"Children with ADHD are sometimes poor s pellers, so let them use a spell checker to edit their stories. Wherever possible, let kids use checklists - to assess key elements of their stories during the revision process, to determine whether theyve followed important steps† (Weaver, 1998). Symptoms of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Copyright And Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Copyright And Ethics - Research Paper Example The concept of whether copyrighting is unethical is a relatively new controversy. There are no religious references regarding this. Religious texts only state that use of another person’s property without his permission is illegal. It does not specifically state about the ownership of intellectual property. The only arguments regarding the ethics of copyright are either moral or social in nature. Those who support IP copyrights are of the opinion that any creation whether real or electronic should be protected legally. Most countries also take this stand including the United States. According to Warwick, the issue of the ethics of copyright is no longer an issue. The current stand is granting rights to the creator/owners will result in a balance of rights between them and the end users. The copyright period protects the rights of the creator/owner. When the duration ends and the work enters the public domain, then the rights of the users come into force. This view is expressed in another article as well. The author states that copyright (and IP) laws in the United States are based on utilitarian concepts whereby everyone or the maximum number of people benefits. A copyrighted material has two distinct parameters, the creator/owner and the user. Due to its uniqueness, it can be read, used or seen by a number of people at the same time. In the case of software, there is practically no limit to the number of users, unlike a film or book. Taking the utilitarian approach, both the creator/owner and the user should benefit.

John Proctor - The Crucible Essay Example for Free

John Proctor The Crucible Essay Supporting this claim further are several lines from Miller’s pre-introductory notes; â€Å"His [Putnam’s] vindictive nature was demonstrated long before witchcraft began. † Not only does this reinforce our trust within the character of John Proctor, it always creates a likeness within him in the mind of the audience. Miller strives to achieve this more-so through Proctor’s defense of his absent wife to Abigail who aims to smite her; â€Å"You’ll speak nothin’ of Elizabeth! † This is due to the fact loyalty is an undisputable likeable trait. The moment our emotions towards John Proctor are challenged lay upon his treating of his housemaid upon the warrant of his wife to be arrested. Proctor handles her violently, though it is somewhat partially excused due to its honest aim: to free his wife. Thus, the challenging of our sympathetic yet simultaneously self-righteous attitude to Proctor, only succeeds in strengthening it, through the apparent pardoning of his actions for their good intentions. It becomes apparent the good moral of John Proctor, within his decision to risk the definite pardon of his wife in order to aim to release his fellow innocent towns folk during the court scene of the play; â€Å"I – I think I cannot. † Ironically, this portrays Proctor as one of the only Puritan’s of the play, as he strives to surpass his own greed, in strive to clear his conscience and do what is best for the village. His true Puritan values are also apparent earlier in the play when he suggests his uttermost disgust at Reverend Parris’ indulgence of â€Å"golden candlesticks. † Likewise, Proctors morality influences his decision to inform the court of his lechery with Abigail Williams. For this reason, Proctor rises even further in our levels of admiration. â€Å"I have known her, sir I have known her. † This line signifies Proctors fulfillment of complete morality, as he confesses his sins in hope to release innocent victims. Proctor becomes somewhat heroic at this point, as lechery is a highly punishable crime at these times. The final bout in which Proctor reaches our highest admiration comes at the end of the play, when he decides he would rather face hanging, than lying in the face of God. This selfless deed is what separates Proctor from the rest of the townspeople. His morality proves unrivalled, after several hints at its strength earlier in the play, such as his earlier converses with his wife upon his affair with Abigail, in which he becomes irritable at his wives judgment, despite her making almost no mention of it. This hints that Proctor has simply not forgiven himself for this deed, and rather than face the fact would rather put its blame upon someone else. Despite this, his character becomes arguably a martyr towards the deformation and destruction of the witch trials, as they seemingly dissolve after his death proves example to many others. Perhaps Miller may be comparing himself to the admirable character of Proctor. Through their both almost unjustified prejudice, Proctor for his lack of faith in the Puritan system, and Miller for his satirical outlook on capitalism. For this reason, perhaps Miller is justifying his actions to not confide the American Federal government at a later date, throughout his comparison of it to something quite revolutionary (the desolation of persecution. )

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Marketing Communication Strategies of Skoda

Marketing Communication Strategies of Skoda Marketing The Process Precisely defined, marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to satisfy customers (Google). It is a dynamic process of ensuring a close fit between the core competencies of an organization and the external demands placed upon it. The fundamental role of marketing is often associated with the promotional aspect of a product or service. It consists of making the consumer aware of what youre offering, and convincing them to buy it. Marketing Communications Marketing Communications Mix Marketing Communications takes a leap further to streamline the actions a firm takes to communicate with end-users, consumers and external parties. It identifies the best media available for any particular product or service to communicate with the market (Smith Taylor, 2005). It is primarily concerned with demand generation and product and service positioning. The marketing communications mix is essentially a conceptual framework that helps to structure the approach to marketing. It covers all the communication tools available to a marketer, such as advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, sponsorship, e-marketing, corporate identity, etc. This report is an attempt to study the marketing communications strategies and mix for consumer vehicle brands in the UK, namely Skoda and Volkswagen Passenger Cars (now-on referred to as Volkswagen or VW). These are two sister companies and hence an interesting comparison. Automotive Industry Marketing The competitive nature of the automobile industry in the UK has prompted the automobile manufacturers to explore new and innovative marketing strategies to thwart the deadly competition. Almost all companies offer diverse range of vehicles in almost all segments as a part of their marketing strategy. This is in the endeavor to make sure that the customer is driving one of their vehicles only. The automobile industry relies not just on one medium of advertising and promotion; rather they aim to develop a combination of almost all options to leave the most impact-ful trail of marketing. The audio-visual medium is a rage since it gives the vehicle manufacturers an opportunity to flaunt their cars. The print medium, on the other hand, provides an opportunity to explain the functions of a car in detail and highlight their unique selling proposition (USP) to the customers. More recently, the automobile industry has shifted focus to the online medium, exploring the internet, which offers greater flexibility in terms of utilizing its interactive features such as demonstrating the interiors of the car with its salient features, etc. Aims Objectives: The aims and objectives of the report shall remain the following: Study the automobile industry dynamics in the UK, with specific focus on history and evolution of Skoda and Volkswagen as significantly important brands. Study the marketing communications strategies and tactics used by Skoda and Volkswagen to fight competition. Study the campaigns, media used and the brand image projected by Skoda and Volkswagen and how successful have they been in reaching out to their target. Chapter 2: Literature Review UK Automotive industry Market Overview The UK automotive sector is a highly flexible, dynamic and a global enterprise. The UK is the 12th largest automobile producer in the world and UK car industry has always been export-oriented and is known for exclusive brands, such as the Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Land Rover, Aston Martin and Jaguar. Amongst the key multinational players are: Ford, Toyota, Diamler-Chrysler, GM and Volkswagen. The top five UK car producers include Nissan, Toyota, Honda, MINI and Land Rover (Cunningham et al., n.d.). The automotive sector in the UK is in a state of constant change which is imperative for adapting to challenging commercial, regulatory and technological trends worldwide. However,at present, the UK car industry is in major turmoil. With credit crunch, spiraling oil prices and fragile consumer confidence, the industry is witnessing its worst since 1966. The buyers are shunning dealerships in droves and the manufacturers are in deep thoughts of how to revive the declining sales. The slowdown in the UK mirrors the difficult conditions being experienced across the main European markets. (Paul Everitt, SMMT). The major trends in the UK automotive industry over the last five years, as identified by the Society of Motor Manufacturers Traders Ltd (SMMT), depict the following: UK new car market has eased in recent years, after witnessing a peak of 2.579mn in the fiscal year 2003. The market is now contested by many marques. Fuel-efficiency is a big issue in the UK automotive industry. UK vehicle output has declined, but will recover over the next 18 months (figures as of 2007). In the year 2006 there were 1.65 million cars and commercial vehicles (CVs) produced in the UK alone. In the year 2006 the UK new car market eased to 2.345 million units, its lowest level since 2001. Estimates show that over 2 million vehicles are currently scrapped each year. Global automotive market is very positive and is largely driven by Asian demand, in particular in China and India. Skoda- The Brand and the Re-Branding Skoda Auto is an automobile manufacturer based in the Czech Republic. It was once one of Europes leading producers of quality, highly engineered cars but its fortunes plummeted under the post-Second World War communism phenomenon. It was until 1989 when Volkswagen took a 30% stake in the beleaguered car firm, that there were any signs of hope for the uplift of the company. In 21991, Volkswagen bought Skoda outright and this was when the journey of improvement triggered off for Skoda. Backed by VWs expertise and investments, the design of Skoda, both in terms of style and engineering, improved greatly. Although Skoda cars were quite at par with those of the rivals, in terms of function, style and value for money, the entire brand image of Skoda lagged far behind. As Chris Hawkens (Marketing Director Skoda, 1999) stated: All the research showed quite substantial levels of rejection of the Skoda brand by consumers. (Creativity Works, 2003) Trying to Sell Skodas is Like Trying to Sell Nuclear Waste. Hawken took up the initiative to challenge the negative perceptions about Skoda and to create a new brand platform to ensure future growth. The action plan called for innovation and a carefuly integrated marketing communications strategy which comprised of three core strands: Advertising Direct marketing Public relations As a result, the entire image of the Skoda brand improved and eventually changed altogether. Volkswagen The Brand Volkswagen commercial vehicles is another brand of the Volkswagen group, like Skoda, and is a separate marque to Volkswagen Passenger Cars since 1995. VWs relationship with the UK automobile industry dates back to 1952 when the first two models of Beetles were introduced into the market. In 1953 Volkswagen Motors Ltd officially became the UK importer, and the brand thereon went from strength to strength and became to be knows as the peoples car. The Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand runs a combination of three core values: innovative, providing enduring value and responsible. Technology, people and the environment dominate the philosophy and actions of Europes largest automaker. Double marketing has been the key for Volkswagen. It is not about stuffing multiple messages into one campaign, ratherrunning multiple campaigns on different messages concurrently. Volkswagen has more often indulged in launching many models collectively and hence has exploited this marketing strategy. The campaigns of 2006 provide a classic example of this phenomenon at Volkswagen: the Unpimp my ride campaign about design and control, the obeying your fast campaign for the GTI and the safe happens bold TV ads for the Jetta. Chapter 3: Research Methodology The research methodology for this report entails a careful blend of both primary and secondary sources available. Primary Sources of Data Five customers of Skoda and Volkswagen were randomly interviewed for their views about the marketing strategies of both the companies, using open-ended questions to yield maximum response. This helped to assess their response towards the media and campaigns deployed by these brands and to evaluate the extent of impact and penetration of the marketing tools used into the target customers. Attempts were made to interview at least one reliable personnel from the respective companies. However, due to lack of time and confidentiality issues of the company, this mode of research did not yield any reliable information for evaluation purposes. Secondary Sources of Data The secondary sources tapped include various books, published material, both from official as well as unofficial sources and both from electronic as well as print media. These include expert reviews on the marketing strategies of each company, company annual reports and other authentic related articles available on marketing strategies of Skoda and Volkswagen. Various advertisements, both from the print as well as electronic media, have also been carefully studied to conduct a comparative analysis for both the companies. Chapter 4: Discussion Analysis Skoda Turning Negative Perceptions into Positive Rather than try to make it into a hero brand, which wasnt realistic, we made it the underdog, and everyones on the side of the little guy. (James, 2002) Under the marketing communications strategy deployed by Hawkens and the innovative It is a Skoda, honest campaign, the market share of the company almost doubled. He confronted head-on the cars negative image using subtle, intelligent humor, targeting Skoda rejecters precisely. The rejuvenating marketing communications strategy of Skoda comprised of (James, 2002): Advertising: targetting the entire country, primarily through TV. Drect Marketing: targetted prospective buyers and existing customers, designed to encourage test-driving the new car. Public Relations: played a supplemental role by image-changing articles. Press was fed with information about motoring awards and VK backing. The success stories about Skoda now read Historys biggest comeback since Bobby Ewing stpped out of the shower, the new Skoda is hip and sexy yes, sexy. For a budget of about $7 million, Skoda witnessed increased sales, more than 23%, over the course of the 18-month campaign which marked the turn-around for the brand (James, 2002). Skodas Marketing Communication Mix The recent marketing communication strategy of Skoda constitutes the following key elements: TV Advertising Most Talked About Add of 2007 TV advertising has always been a win for Skoda. The baking of add of 2007 is a remarkable example of the strategic advertising vision of the company. The award-winning add featured a group of master bakers creating a life-size car out of cake icing, jelly headlights and full of lovely stuff strapline. The Favorite Things soundtrack provided the background score for the extremely attractive recepie. The cake add was indeed a radical move for Skoda. It was accompanied by columns in leading journals and magazines as the PR team took the initiative to send cake tins with ingredients to journalists. As a part of the direct marketing campaign, chocolate scented air fresheners were sent to potential and existing custoemrs of Skoda. Being an extremely bold positoning, Skoda adds communicated the message of how Skoda delivered exceptional customer service (Turner, 2007). Award winning website Skoda UKs official website ( is yet another critical element of the marketing communications mix of the brand. The highly attractive, animated and engaging website played a crucial role in nurturing the marketing mix of Skoda. Its online marketing campaign won it laurels in 2008- the Best Motor Manufacturer Home Page and Best Motor Manufacturer for Purpose Intent ( The criteria for judgment included factors such as web design, use of animation, ease of navigation, and search tools available. The sites creative effectiveness has been demonstrated by a remarkable 400% increase in requests for test drives and brochures. MyClick Technology Skoda has indulged in a mobile WAP site MMS MyClick advertising platform as a recent communication strategy. This is an endeavor to deliver a unique brand experience to consumers on their mobile devices.The image recognition technology of MyClick allows Skoda to reach end users with instant services wherever they are. Skoda is using this idea to provide an interactive platform where mobile users can access its Believe In Life information by simply clicking their mobile phone camera (Roberts, 2008). Volkswagens Marketing Communications Mix Volkswagen, the brand, deploys two key elements in its marketing communications strategy: Online Marketing The official website ( provides the most life-like experience of choosing a car on the internet. It allows the visitors to access the retailers booking systems and book test drives in real time. Also they are able to see which models are available at any specific time and retailer and make online reservations. The dynamic feedback mechanism employed by the website allows the customer to search and modify their preferred car in real time hence, as initially imagined by Volkswagen. The website is much responsive and provides a much richer customer experience Double Marketing Volkswagen and the Blues A multi-tiered, fully integrated marketing strategy was incorporated for the multiple-model launch in 2003, with the help of The Blues promotional team (Volkswagen and The Blues, n.d.). The marketing strategy adopted covered a diverse range of communications media including: TV and radio ads Online marketing on The Blues website Paid advertising: print ads in leading journals, in-flight marketing campaign with major national airlines Events marketing: Radio City concert, presence at key film and music festivals, etc. Ancillary products Educational outreach: Letter from Volkswagen and logo presence in Teachers Guides sent to 45,000 teachers nationwide. Chapter 5: Conclusion Skoda has gone from trash to treasure with the overwhelmingly innovative marketing strategy of the Volkswagen group. This can be accredited to simply revamping the marketing communications mix, which even called for complete elimination of typical elements such as sponsorships. Instead it focuses primarily on four key aspects of marketing: advertising, direct mail, public relations and more recently online marketing. Ultimately transforming the company image from a joke to a hero brand, the correct marketing strategy and timely deployment of that strategy have radically changed the perceptions of Skoda and it is today one of the fastest growing car brands in the UK. Volkswagen Passenger Cars, on the other hand, is a brand of the same parent group, however with much lesser prominence as compared to that of Skoda. The most prominent feature of VWs marketing strategy is double marketing, vis-Ã ¡-vis the three-pronged strategy of Skoda. Both brands have strong market presence and are working effectively with their individual marketing strategies. However, those deployed by Skoda are much more impact-full and far-reaching than VWs. Chapter 6: Recommendations Skoda is suggested the following set of recommendations: Although the negative perceptions have withered off, the positive preconceptions are to be secured. Hence, Skoda needs to promote a we-are-not-as-bad-as-you-think impression. Create a new communications theme that is able to sustain the brands sense of individuality, without Skoda being perceived as just any other car brand. Volkswagen Passenger Cars is suggested the following set of recommendations: Enhance the marketing communications mix with more emphasis on the advertising campaigns, such as those launched by Skoda. References Creativity Works (2003) HOW SKODA USED CREATIVITY TO INCREASE SALES BY 27% Available at: [Accessed 8th November 2009] Cunningham, Margaret; Doherty, Joanne; Douglas, Thomas; Garland, Philip; Guo Xiadi; Harmer, Chris (n.d.) The Death of the Skoda Joke and the Rebirth of the Brand. Available at: [Accessed 8th November 2009] James, Dana (2002) Rebuilding Reputations Skoda goes from trash to treasure Available at: [Accessed 18th November 2009] Roberts, Benna (2008) Skoda users MyClick Mobile image recognition technology for Mobile Marketing Available at: [Accessed 5th November 2009] Smith, P R Taylor, Jonathan (2005) Marketing Communications Turner,Clark (2007) How Skoda created the most talked about ad of 2007 Available at: [Accessed 18th November 2009] Volkswagen and The Blues (n.d) Available at: [Accessed 5th November 2009]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Celebrity Endorsement In Malaysia Marketing Essay

Celebrity Endorsement In Malaysia Marketing Essay Advertising started to play an active role in advertising when it came to the development of society in the economy in the early 1930s. Celebrities acted as spokesperson, in order to advertise and promote a company products, services or ides. Those celebrities came from the art scene, modelling, sports as well as the entertainment industry (Kambitsis, 2002). When a British actress Lillie Langtry appeared on a package on Pears Soap in 1893, she became the worlds first celebrity endorser. Since radio became commercial in the late 20s and television was introduced in the late 40s, celebrities started doing commercials (Sherman, 2010). Due to this, celebrity endorsement has become one of the most effective tools in attracting consumers. Almost every celebrity all around the world is doing commercials. For examples Jack Benny, an American actor and comedian endorsed Jell-O, a gelatin dessert product in the 30s and 40s, David Beckham with Pepsi, Soon Hye Kyo with Laneige, Ashwarya Rai with LOreal shampoo, Jackie Chan endorses Kaspersky, and many more. In Malaysia, celebrities have also been widely used in advertising. For example, Erra Fazira endorses Lux, Sarimah with Rejoice, Chef Wan with Vesawit and Siti Nurhaliza with Pepsi. This shows that by having celebrities to endorse a product it will not only increase the brand image but also the level of credibility and belief among consumers (Zabid, 2002). Problem Statement Celebrity endorsement has become one of the most employed strategies in promoting a product or a service. This is because celebrities are well-known therefore; they will make the product that is being endorsed more noticeable. Even though this strategy is the most commonly use, there are some companies in Malaysia are still reluctant to use this strategy in promoting its product. Therefore, this research with the title The Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement in Malaysia will help the companies by answering questions regarding the topic. They are: What are relationship between advertising and celebrity endorsement? What are the factors that influence the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement? How effective is the implementation of celebrity endorsement in Malaysia? Research Objectives Based on the problem statements stated above, the research objectives are: To review the relationship between advertising and celebrity advertising. To analyze the factors that influences the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement. To evaluate the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in Malaysia. 2. Literature Review Relationship between Advertising and Celebrity Endorsement Advertising is defined as the promotion of a companys products and services to drive sales and also to communicate changes of new products or services to the customers (, 2011). Advertising has become one of the essential elements in a business because it does not only help in increasing the sales of the product but also creating and maintaining its image among customers. There are various types of advertising that can be implemented by companies in order to promote its products and services. They are print advertising, outdoor advertising, public service advertising, surrogate advertising, covert advertising, broadcast advertising and celebrity advertising (, 2011). Print advertising is a type of advertising that uses printing media such as newspapers, newsletters and magazines to convey its message to customers. On the other hand, outdoor advertising communicates its message through promotional display such as highway billboards, transit posters and arena placement (, 2011). According to (2011), Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc. (OAAC) had stated that businesses spent $5.8 billion dollars on outdoor advertising in 2004. Public service advertising is an advertising technique that conveys socially relevant messages regarding important matter and social welfare causes like poverty, and deforestation (, 2011). Meanwhile, surrogate advertising is defined as the process of duplicating the brand image of one product extensively in order to promote another product of the same brand (Panda, 2005). For example, companies that produce cigarettes or alcohol which are prohibited by law in some country have t o come up with other products of the same brand in order to remind people about their existence in the market (, 2011). According to (2011), covert advertising is presently is the hottest trend in promoting a product. Covert advertising is a type of advertising that incorporated in some entertainment and media channels such as movies, sports and TV shows in order to reach its customers. Some of the examples are the appearance on Nokia N97 in I Gotta Feelin' music video by Black Eyed Peas, and the sponsorship of an America TV show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. by Nescafe. Another type of advertising is broadcast advertising. Broadcast advertising is a type of advertising that uses medium such as television, radio and internet to convey its message to the people. This is the most popular advertising technique because it enables the company to reach a wider audience. On the other hand, celebrity advertising is the use of a celebrity or a public figure for the purpose of selling products or services. According to McCracken (1989), celebrity endorsement is defined as a personality who benefits from public recognition and utilizes this acknowledgment on behalf of a consumer product by endorsing it to the public (McCracken, 1989). In short, a celebrity is someone who is well-known due to his/her achievement especially in areas of entertainment such as films, music, writing, or sport. There are two forms of celebrity advertising; celebrity license and celebrity endorsement (Mistry, 2006). Compared to celebrity license, celebrity endorsement is the most widely used strategy in promoting products and services today. Celebrity endorsement is when celebrities give his/her expert opinion regarding the product, become the spokesperson for a product, or just being associated with a particular product (Seno and Lucas, 2007). However, according to Kamins (1989) celebrity endorsement may also include the non-celebrities such as a typical consumer, a product professional expert, or a company pr esident. Typical consumer endorser is an ordinary person who has no special knowledge regarding the product but has already purchased and used the product beforehand. On the other hand, a product expert is a person or a group that possesses a superior knowledge regarding the product (Zabid, 2002). Celebrity vs. Non-Celebrity Effectiveness According to Seno and Lucas (2007), a research has found that compared to other type of endorsers such as typical consumer and the professional expert, celebrities are the most effective individual to attract customers. In contrast, Tom (1992) said that non-celebrities endorsers are more effective compared to celebrity endorsers. This is because with non-celebrity endorsers, it enables the company to control and create the characters that is appropriate for the product and the target audience. Besides that, these characters are not allowed to endorse any other product. On the other hand, celebrity endorsers had already created their own characters therefore; the company is unable to control them. Differences were found in the cognitive responses. However, there is no statistically significant difference in attitudes towards advertising and the intention of purchasing the endorsed product in the celebrity and non-celebrity endorsement (Mehta 1994). Factors that affect the Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement There are number of factors that influence the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement. Examples of the factors are celebrity performance, celebrity attractiveness, celebrity credibility, celebrity information, multiple endorsements, celebrity popularity, celebrity availability, celebrity-product match, and many more. However, in this research only some of these factors will be discussed. Celebrity Performance In the context of this research, celebrity performance refers to the achievement of the celebrity in their chosen profession. This could refer to the success of the celebrity in music or movies, the performance level of athlete in sports and many more. When a celebrity fails to perform in acceptably by consumers, the effectiveness of the endorsement tends to decline (Agrawal and Kamakura, 1995). In contrast, if the celebrity performance is increasing, the effectiveness of the endorsement will also increase. Celebrity Information Since there is always a pairing between the brand and the celebrity established by consumers, negative information regarding the celebrity may affect the brand negatively (Erdogan and Baker, 2000). For example, Tiger Wood is always known as the endorser of Nike. However, due to a series of news report about his personal life, Nike lost over four percent of its aggregate market value (Knittel and Stango, 2009). This shows that a negative perception about a celebrity will decrease the level of the effectiveness of the endorsement. Hence, it will lead to a loss for the company. Celebrity Attractiveness Chao (2005) has stated that celebrity attractiveness in one of the factor that can determine the successfulness of celebrity endorsement. According to Kahle and Homer (1985), physically attractive endorsers are generally viewed and more preferable by consumers compared to the less attractive endorsers. Hence, by having attractive celebrity endorsers, it will increase the effectiveness of the celebrity endorsement. For example, when Laneige decided to change its endorser from Jeon Ji Hyun to a prettier and famous Korean actress, awareness of the existence of the brand starts to increase among consumers. This leads to an increase in sales of the product (Amore Pacific Corporation, 2009). Celebrity Credibility The most important aspect in celebrity endorsement is credibility. According to Miciak and Shanklin (1994), a research made among 43 advertisement agencies and companies, it is believed that the most important scope of credibility are trustworthiness and the expertise of the celebrity with the product that is being endorsed. For example, with the credibility of Amitabh Bachchans, Cadburys business which was declining due to the controversy has been revived and back on track (Taleja, 2010). Multiple Endorsements There are two cases of multiple endorsements that are always been debated. They are 1) a single brand hiring multiple celebrities and 2) a single celebrity endorsing multiple brands. For example, Britney Spears, consumers may remember her as Pepsis endorser but they might not remember her as McDonalds or Toyota Vioss endorser in 2000. Another example of multiple endorsements is Clear for Men uses Christiano Ronaldo and Rain as endorsers. Celebrity-Product Match The celebrity-product match/fit is also known as the match-up hypothesis. It refers to the synchronization of the match between the celebrity endorser and the product that is being endorsed (Till and Busler, 2000). According to Friedman (1978), Erdogan and Baker (2000), and Till and Busler (2000), celebrity-product fit is the key function of the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement. This is because with the right celebrity with the right personality, the message can be convey to the consumers effectively. For example, Pepsis target market is the youth. Therefore, by sponsoring Michael Jackson World concert in 1993, Pepsi is able to reach its target market easily. Research Methodology 3.1 Theoretical Framework Figure 1: Factors that Influences the Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement 3.2 Path Analysis The main purpose of this research is to analyze the factors the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in Malaysia. From the literature review above, it is found that there are 6 main factors that influence the effectiveness of implementing celebrity endorsement strategy to attract customers. By understanding these factors, the effectiveness can be identified. Hence, the effectiveness of the implementation of this strategy Malaysia can be investigated. 3.3 Research Design 3.4 Data Collection Data is the most crucial element needed in making a research. This is because without the presence of relevant data, the objectives and purpose of a research cannot be met easily. There are two types of data; primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the original or first-hand material that has not been interpreted by anyone before. It can be further divided into two categories; qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data is described as data that can be categorized according to its characteristics such as gender and nationality. On the other hand, quantitative data (also known as numerical data) are data that can be measured on a numerical scale. Secondary data is the information collected from other resources such as books, journals, review articles, and newspaper which is related to the research.   For this research, primary data can be obtained through questionnaires, focus group or observation. Questionnaire is a set of questions given to respondents in order to get data which is related to the research topic. On the other hand, focus group is a form of  qualitative research  in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging (Henderson, 2009). Meanwhile, observation refers to a technique in which the behaviour of research subjects is watched and recorded without any direct contact.The most effective primary research for this study is questionnaire. This is because questionnaires enable researcher to obtain data from the target group efficiently. In the questionnaire, the questions are designed as open ended questions and close ended questions. Open ended questions are questions that required the respondents to attach their opinion towards the question. Meanwhile, the close ended questions required the respondents to choose, or rate the questions accordingly. For this topic, both questions are suggested to be asked in the questionnaire. By having these two types of questions in this questionnaire, it enables researcher to collect information containing both qualitative and quantitative data. However, there is no primary research has been done by the researcher yet. Therefore, no primary data are available. For secondary research, data are obtained from journals, books, and website published by others. In developing this research, number of journals, articles, books and websites has been referred. However, only some of them are used in developing this research. 3.5 Sample This research focuses on the sampling group of young adult and adult from the age of 18 to 35 years old. This range has been chosen because they are the group of people who always make their own decision on purchasing a product or service. Besides that, this range is chosen because they are the group of people who are always be influenced by the celebrities. By having them as the target segment, research can be done easily and effectively. 3.6 Measures In this research, the measurement scales that are selected are the likert scale and the nominal scale. According to Proctor (2003), nominal scale enables an object to be placed in one and only one of a set of mutually exclusive classes with no implied ordering such as gender; male or female. On the other hand, likert scale is a scaling method that describes the quantitative value to qualitative data in order to make it amenable to statistical analysis such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree (, 2011). For this research,  the nominal scale is used to measure the age and gender of the targeted respondents and the likert scale is used to measure the consumers perception towards celebrity endorsement. 3.7 Limitation Due to the nature of this research, it has to be said that the research could have been done more accurately if more resources for example text book could be obtain to support the research. This research title is very limited in text book provided in KBU College Library but there are more in the Emerald Insight website. In order to obtain quality journals from there, users are recommended to pay the membership fee online. However, KBU does offer student the access to Emerald Insight website because the college had already paid the fee, but students are allowed to access to the website within the college premises. Furthermore, this research only used secondary data collection. Most of the secondary data come from other authors opinion gain from their findings. So, the opinions from other authors do not mean they are aligned with the entire populations opinions in this world. Due to this problem, the accuracy of this research had reduced. Besides that, due to the limited time, no primary research has been done. Hence, all information available in this research does not meet the purpose of this research which is to study the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in Malaysia. Ethical Consideration Before conducting the research, a researcher has to make sure that the research topic, objectives and benefits are clearly explain to avoid the deception on the research. Besides that, all the information given by the respondents such as name, age, contact number and home address are private and confidential. Hence they must be protected and cannot be reveled or sold elsewhere. Respondents are also allowed to not to provide their details or information before answering the questions to protect their privacy if forced. Time scale

Monday, August 19, 2019

Technology in the Classroom Stimulates Learning Essay -- Education Sch

Technology in the classroom, is it good or bad? I think this is a question that will be debated for many years to come. There are those who believe that we must have technology in the classroom so that we can move forward as a society. In a speech given by Roy Pea and Larry Cuban, Roy Pea quotes the Labor Secretary’s Commission on the Achieving Necessary Skill, or SCANS, as saying â€Å"Those unable to use technology face a life time of menial work.† Others believe that technology replaces learning and is actually making us stupid. Some believe that the costs out weigh the benefits and others who believe the opposite. I believe that technology in the classroom can only help to enhance and stimulate learning and prepare students for the future. The government has even acknowledged the need for technology in the classroom. In the â€Å"no child left behind† bill there is a section that covers this very topic. This section is known as the â€Å"Enhancing Education Through Technology act of 2001†. â€Å"The primary goal of this part is to improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary schools and secondary schools.† Technology is everywhere and as educators of future generations we cannot simply ignore it or its influence in our daily lives. The world of education is constantly changing. The demands on teachers and students are ever increasing. Students are being expected to learn harder math concepts earlier in their educational careers. For example, my son is taking Pre-Algebra in the seventh grade. Without the use of technology, how can we expect teachers and students to keep up with these demands? Technology can allow teachers to provide their students with visual examples of concepts they ar... ...ts to develop marketable jobs skills. They are learning how to use technology to get the most from their education. We are preparing our students for the future and all the changes it will bring. Kathleen Patrice Gulley wrote â€Å"Given the role that education plays in preparing students to go into the world, it seems clear that there should be a connection between the world and the classroom. Unless education reflects the world in which it exists, it has no relevance for the students.† If we do not incorporate technology into our classrooms we are failing to give our children the best possible education and the skills necessary to be successful in the future. Resources

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cat Statuettes in Ancient Egypt and Modern America :: Advertisement Symbolism History Essays

Cat Statuettes in Ancient Egypt and Modern America Although ancient Egyptians admired similar statuettes of cats as modern Americans collect today, the Egyptians saw these statuettes as religious symbols with long histories, and the modern Americans see these statuettes as a way of showing the love and admiration that they feel towards their cats. An advertisement for a porcelain statuettes that was made to look like an Egyptian cat statuette shows that this type of statuette survived for a very long time. It is made out of a type of porcelain and its earrings are made out of gold. It has a glass dome covering it and at its base are Egyptian hieroglyphics that are hand painted. (Cats (Vol.52, November 1996) p. 11) This advertisement, that I found in the November 1996 issue of "Cats" magazine, is aimed at people who love cats and most likely have cats as pets. The rest of the magazine confirms the fact that it is meant for people who own cats. The other articles are mostly about cat nutrition and health. The other advertisements also involve cats. These advertisements included cat Christmas tree ornaments, cat jewelry, and cat soap. There were many different representations of cats in ancient Egyptian art. There were also many cat statuettes. The one I thought most closely represented the cat statuettes in the advertisement is the bronze "Gayer-Anderson" cat. (Jasomir Malek, Cats in Ancient Egypt ( London: British Museum Press, 1993) pp.12 ) It was named after the collector who donated it to the British Museum. Made around 600B.C., its body is made out of bronze with inlaid silver as well as gold earrings and a gold nose ring.(Jasomir Malek, Cats in Ancient Egypt ( London: British Museum Press, 1993)pp.12) It was made for a totally different purpose than the modern cat statuettes. During this time there was an increase in the number of cults that used animals as their cult images. These statuette were probably used as representations of the goddess Bastet.(Jasomir Malek, Cats in Ancient Egypt ( London: British Museum Press, 1993) pp.98 ) The goddess Bastet enjoyed what could be called the greatest increase of po pularity of all the animals who were part of these cults.(Jasomir Malek, Cats in Ancient Egypt ( London: British Museum Press, 1993) pp. 98 ) The large number of bronze statuette that were made during this time clearly illustrated the cat's immense popularity.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

National Constitution Center

The Independence Hall is located in the exact place where the Declaration of Independence was signed. This building therefore is a reminder of that victorious day when at last America had decided to do away the yoke of Great Britain. History lessons says that it was also here that George Washington was appointed as the Commander of the Continental Army and it was also here that the design of the American Flag was agreed upon ( Perry 432). To preserve the historic moments in American history through this Hall, the government had made the effort to maintain its appearance at it was then and to use the furnitures of that time.The importance that the Hall received seems to suggest that the fight for Independence was indeed something that should be done and that all were united to fight for it. And because of that, the Independence Day is very significant; a day of united heroism and nationalism. But this was not actually the case. The people back then had divided loyalties. Some of them (about 20 %), do not see the need for separation so that they do not want Independence from Britain and many others do not support the Americans or the British.It was not a united movement as it is being promoted by the Independence Hall. It was only a work of a third of American Patriots and political leaders who were brave enough and enthusiastic enough to fight for liberty from Britain (Perry 432). So it was really a fantasy to believe that Independence from Britain was a movement desired by all. But the importance given to the site carries the covert message that it was so. However, I greatly respect Independence Day myself and had great admiration for people who took part in it.Another issue that I would like to raise is the fact that America had neglected or forgotten that they were a nation who also bound another: the original inhabitants of the land. The Indians are the first settlers of America but the whites, who came from Europe, after a matter of time, thought that it wa s theirs. They deprived these people of their homeland and drive them to the mountains; the white made promises of which most they never keep. Now the Indians are claiming what was promised to them, their rights to certain lands, but their pleas went unheard.Moreover, they become a neglected and deprived people in America. How ironic then that America was freed by Great Britain but they never freed the real settlers whose hands they bound with a tight grip within the territory. If they demand for their rights as a separate nation, how much more should the natives demand for the rights of which they once owned? So when I look at the Independence Hall I can see there the pretense of the past. Just as they keep the appearance of the Hall as it once was, they keep the natives bound until today.The National Constitution Center The Constitution Center can also be found in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Aside from the historical artifacts that can be seen around the building, visitors in the museum are also entertained through watching theater presentation or participating in interactive exhibits. The topics of all these activities are centered on the history and place of the United States Constitution in the life of the American people. In the theater they present a show called Freedom Rising. In the presentation the visitors are informed of how the Constitution came to be.Moreover in the interactive exhibits one can see not surprisingly many historical artifacts connected to the story of the Constitution, especially the original documents that the founders or the signers used and the people who were involved in it. Also inside, one can see the preamble of the Constitution. The Center’s interesting activity is on the opportunity to have â€Å"talk backs† about issues that has been of great debate and has challenged the Constitution like the issue of death penalty. Moreover, they have the chance to decide a court case there as part of an interactive activi ty.But perhaps the most interesting activity there is that one may take a presidential oath of office (â€Å"The National Constitution 2008). I think this is also the very coolest feature there for perhaps most people would actually want to do that in real life! So what does the Center and all of its activities and features there are trying to say? It is pretty obvious that it is educating the visitors about the Constitution. That how people fought for it and how the Americans of the past go into great pains of debates to enact it. It therefore not only informs but also aims to instill respect for the Constitution.In a way it also aims to bring admiration for the Constitution or an admiration for democracy of which the Constitution stands for. It is a known fact of how much America took pride in their democracy which for them equates to respect of human rights and dignity and of course the ever elusive equality. But I really think that what this Center is really trying to do is to shape the mind to believe that we, individually, are perfectly democratic. The Constitution is democracy and the people who made the Constitution are therefore democratic.The Center encourages an admiration for the Constitution and as people who made them an admiration for ourselves. We are therefore led to believe that we are very democratic who exercises respect for the rights of others and upholds equality. This is of course an illusion. The federal system that the Constitution upholds was at first created not with thoughts of democracy but to keep the now frees states from trade wars and to hold the states together. Since they experience the tyranny of Britain they do not want it to happen to them so that they shared the power through the federal system.In a sense the Constitution was founded not at first with democracy (in modern sense) in mind. As proof, they still do not free the slaves by this time (Perry 433). The issue of racial discrimination has always been a big dilemma of our country and I believe that it is not yet resolved. Although the Constitution had successfully declared in its pages that no man should be discriminated by his color, discrimination still exist not in color but this time in subtle biases called color blind discrimination.For example, most would admit that it is not right to think that a certain person should be disqualified for an office by virtue of his color but they would comment that based on his background he may not be able to handle it. As before I realized that most Americans are not as democratic as the Constitution had been at first. The Gettysburg Museum The Gettysburg Museum is situated in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It is a museum that â€Å"brings history back to life. † What this museum is trying to revive is one of the dramatic moments of American history: the Civil War.The turning point of that war is the Battle of Gettysburg in July of 1863 that forecast the defeat of the South. If one visits the place he can see many life size figures and battle room exhibits representing a scene of that Battle. And of course the famous Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address can be seen in animation (American Civil War 2008). This site is a historical performance of the liberation of the South from slavery. Civil War is portrayed as giving liberty to those who are bound in slavery, particularly the Blacks.It was a war that strengthens the American reputation for love democracy and equality. The Gettysburg museum is a reminder of such a lofty ideal and tends to promote the idea that this is what the American people had in mind. But this was not the case. The people in the South who fought the North are also white. They are as American as the North were. As the North pushed for liberation from slavery; the South fought for its retention. The reason was economic, the liberation or emancipation from slavery would hurt the plantation business of the South. The Americans therefore was not so against slaver y.They are more interested in their own economic gains so much so that they are willing to treat a man as a property. If plantations were a flourishing business in the North as the South, I wonder if all of the Northern States will support the emancipation. Works Cited Perry, Marvin. A World in History. New York: Houghton-Mifflin, Inc. , 1988. American Civil War Museum and Gift Center. 2008. Accessed December 15, 2008 < http://www. gettysburgmuseum. com/>. The National Constitution Center. 2008. Accessed December 15, 2008

Friday, August 16, 2019

Intro to University Studies Reflection

Introduction to University Studies Course Reflection Jonatan Damon McCreary-Harris US/101 – INTRODUCTION TO UNIVERSITY STUDIES January 27th, 2013 Deanna Miller Introduction to University Studies Course Reflection I really enjoy commuting via Amtrak train whenever I go to visit my sister in Killeen, Texas. It’s a wonderfully exciting journey that lasts about a three and half days when departing from my home in Baltimore, Maryland. There are stops aplenty along this journey; it goes through: West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, finally Texas and my final destination.In the same way, our lives are journeys, each goal successfully attained prompts us to stop, evaluate our course and ensure our present path is in line with our intended destination. What are my long-term professional goals and how do my academic aspirations factor into reaching them successfully? What solutions and tools have been provided in this course, and how will they help me obtai n and reach my life goals? I believe this course has been the beginning of not just my academic experience, my professional career, but my life journey.I began my education journey several months ago with a fierce determination and firm resolve to obtain a master’s degree. I am aware it is a long-term commitment, understood the potential long-term benefits and the rewards of completion essay writers for hire. Charles Huckabee, a writer for The Chronicle of Higher Education, reviews the financial rewards; in an online blog know as The Ticker. He writes, â€Å"Based on an analysis of census and education statistics, the report says Americans who complete a bachelor’s degree have a median income of $50,360, compared with a median of $29,423 for people with only a high-school diploma.Those with an associate degree earn some $9,000 more than those with only a high-school diploma. Those with a graduate degree have a median income of $68,064, about one-third more than those with a bachelor’s degree† (Huckabee, 2012,  paragraph 2 and 4). In summation, higher education generally equates to higher pay. Which, I believe over time, with proper budgeting and planning, and intelligent investments, eventually leads to financial security. Other than the clear financial gains, one must also onsider the skills and lessons taught while pursuing a higher education. It is commonly known that proper communication skills are imperative to academic success. In my opinion, this has been a recurring theme in regards to academia. Furthermore, excellent written communication skills are important due to the audience being unable to rely on important visual (e. g. ; body language, facial expressions, and hand gestures) and helpful auditory indicators to correctly interpret the writer’s intended message and determine the desired tone.The long-term value of excellent academic writing skills are the direct correlations to professional writing. Yes, the aud ience may be different, but the skills acquired are still very relevant and important in the workplace. Through this course I have been challenged to refocus and prioritise my responsibilities and obligations since returning back to college. Of course, with the increased amount of obligations came more stress, and the daunting task of how to deal with the resulting stress.I realised my current processes were inadequate and my stress levels were rising to very unhealthy levels. So, I started with what I knew and chose to incorporate various solutions, suggested by my peers and colleagues, into my time management system. I have always used a calendar to keep myself organised, but this was not effective, so I started to keep a detailed agenda. This is, sort-of, budget for time. This has allowed me to, at any moment, see where I needed to be, what I needed to be doing, and what exactly I needed to accomplish.During which, I felt it easy to get overwhelmed, so, the next order of business was to ensure sufficient time for some sort of physical activity. My preference for maintaining a relatively low stress level is by running, biking, or swimming. I believe that having a solid system of support is equally important. Actively promoting my health and wellness, as well as managing my time effectively, are two key elements that will allow me to achieve success in my educational and professional endeavors.Furthermore, this course has provided me with ample time to perfect my daily routine and time management process. This course has also inspired me to not just consider my personal and professional goals, but also now understand the importance of how to achieve those goals and how integral a well-conceived plan actually is. Moreover, it has impressed upon me how imperative it is to remain steadfast and focused, committed to the actual execution of the determined solution until you have reached fruition. One cannot simply run a marathon, a total of twenty-six miles, only to quit in the last five miles.Goal setting provides much-needed direction and goal planning allows us to clearly understand what is required for us to effectively reach them. It is necessary to remain flexible and open to altering the route to success. Circumstances may change, as they frequently do, and it is often necessary to reevaluate your goals and appropriately respond to the variables at hand. Through proper planning, remaining steadfast to my resolve for excellence, and the overall vision, it is my belief that I can achieve my highest goals.My success in the healthcare field directly relies on my continued pursuit of a higher education and my academic successes (e. g. ; Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees). I have a passion for excellence in the service industry and this is why I chose the healthcare industry. My life goal is to strategically position myself within the healthcare industry, wherein I will have the capacity to touch to and change the lives of other s, for the better on a much grander scale.As of now, I am relegated to lower tiers of the corporate ladder and am limited to working within the perimeters set by my organization. I hope to one day rewrite that game and bring the focus back to, what I’ve penned as â€Å"patient first care†. I want to raise the standards of excellence, in regards to patient care, in my organization. Ultimately, I would like to see them more aligned with that of my own. In order to get there, I must learn academically (obtain a degree) and gain the required professional experience to make this happen. Passion for excellence; excellence in service. † Over the past nine weeks I have grown to enjoy and appreciate the online classroom the collaborative learning environment it provides; I believe the value of such cannot be understated. Along with teaching important self management and critical thinking skills, this style of learning encourages students, as well as instructors, to active ly share their thoughts and questions freely, discuss and clarify these ideas, as well as evaluate others; whereas I may be less versed on a topic, my classmate may be an expert.Each online classroom is, in a sense, a small community or support system that in turn challenges our thought process and promotes personal growth. In order to succeed we, the students, are required to think critically and assume responsibility of our collective learning experience. I am extremely excited to take the knowledge I have learned from this course and apply it to my subsequent courses, as well as my professional career. In summary, Introduction to University Studies has provided me with a clear understanding of the online learning environment and effectively prepared me for future successes.The writing techniques, skills, and lessons taught, including also the resources that the University of Phoenix provides are truly advantageous and will surely help me achieve my long-term educational and caree r related goals. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from, and with such an incredible group of individuals. I am proud to be a Phoenix! Reference Page: Huckabee, C. (2012, December 19). Analysis Adds to Data Showing the Economic Benefits Of a College Degree. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from: http://chronicle. com/blogs/ticker/new-analysis-adds-to-data-showing-the-economic-benefits-of-a-college-degree/53267

Relationship Issue

Conflicts between people who express outlooks of different epochs often happen in the society and there are lots of situations when even members of the same family who are supposed to be the closest with each other, support opposite visions of the world. However, misunderstanding can always be overcome and warm relations achieved as long as people put efforts into that. Flannery O’Connor’s book ‘Everything that Rises Must Converge’ deals with the relationship of a mother and her son and represents contradictions between them which arise from their different outlooks on reality in which they are living and shows how they are unable to overcome them. Julian is a recent college graduate who lives with his solicitous widowed mother who has put her whole life to raise him well and give him good education. The conflict of Julian with his mother starts because she has a vision of life which is completely different from his. Julian’s mother ‘‘†¦lived according to the laws of her own fantasy world outside of which he had never seen her set foot. ’’ She built that little world for herself, not realizing that times have changed and she needed to adjust to them. She couldn’t keep living in her little world forever and some time crisis was going to occur. Every time Julian made some remark about their present life and that it was different from what his mother had before, she only started remembering past times and past wealthy life which she used to have: â€Å"Your great-grandfather was a former governor of this state†¦ Your grandfather was a prosperous land-owner. Your grandmother was a Godhigh. † However, it’s impossible to blame her for that- she cannot change, those ideas are too firmly fixed in her mind and Julian should have accepted them but he doesn’t even try to that. No matter how much Julian tries to convince her that reality is completely different from those memories, she never wants to listen to him. However, instead of treating his mother with respect and letting her have some weaknesses like any other person, he gets mad at her all the time. Everything what his mother says agitates Julian and he is unable to talk to his mother without a feeling of frustration. Even though he takes her to a reducing class and listens to everything what she says, the feeling of irritation doesn’t leave him and he never feels at peace. His rude attitude towards everything what his mother says shows in most of the discussions in the novel. â€Å"Will you look around you,† he said tensely, â€Å"and see where you are now? † and he swept his arm jerkily out to indicate the neighborhood, which the growing darkness at least made less dingy. ’ Julian is mad at almost everything what his mother says. It becomes clear that as long as Julian and his mother have different views on things, they will never be able to communicate peacefully and they will always have arguments. What really saves them from stopping communication at all, is calmness of Julian’s mother and her trying to neglect unkind words which her son s ays. Even though they express different outlooks and despite any bad features she has, she does show concern about her son and she sincerely hopes for his happy future. Julian’s mother is certainly naive in that because there is hardly any future ahead of Julian but she believes in that like a child and she made sacrifices for him: â€Å"The law of [her life] was to sacrifice herself for him after she had first created the necessity to do so by making a mess of things†¦ All of her life had been a struggle to act like a Chestny and to give him everything she thought a Chestny ought to have without the goods a Chestny ought to have†¦Ã¢â‚¬  One of the main points on which Julian and his mother contradict are issues of racism. In Julian’s point of view, black people have a right to do everything just like white people. However, his mother doesn’t share his point of view because she was brought up in a different society and believes they are inferior. This is again the sign of her living in the past when she had a black nurse and whom she loved but considered her much lower than herself. This attitude can be best seen in the episode when Julian and his mother get on the bus. The bus is half-filled and when mother looks around, she sees only white people and becomes happy. She even says to the lady sitting next to her: â€Å"I see we have the bus to ourselves†. Julian couldn’t stand it when his mother said that and again felt shame for her words. She does her best to show her bad attitude towards black people and doesn’t consider them to be her equal. When a black man comes into the bus and another lady changes her seat to get away from him, Julian’s mother approves of that and thinks this is the way it should be done. The attitude of his mother makes Julian get thoughts of punishing her which show to us that he extremely cruel because a son cannot treat his mother like that. Julian thought â€Å"†¦he might make friends with some distinguished Negro professor or lawyer and bring him home to spend the evening† in order to make his mother feel miserable. He points to his mother that a black lady sitting in the bus has the same hat as she does and wants to make a point that black people can do everything just like white people, they are people of the same kind- but his mother doesn’t understand that. However, the worst lesson which she gets is when she wants to give a coin to the little black boy and suffers from that because the boy â€Å"†¦don't take nobody’s pennies! † and this painful moment leads to the end of the novel. In my opinion, it was possible for Julian and his mother to find ways to understand each other if the son at least put some efforts into that. Despite of all his mother’s faults, Julian should have been more patient with her and he realizes that in the end of the novel when he understands he has lost her. He is not a saint himself and since every human has weaknesses, he should have been more loving and kind with his mother because she gave birth to him and sacrificed many things for him. When he understands he remained alone, he realizes the whole horror of his situation- that he is completely lost in the world without his mother but there is nothing what he can change about that anymore, so the extent of his self-deception is fully confirmed.